One Night In Frogtown

One Night In Frogtown

One Night In Frogtown

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Vendor : One World Musical Books

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"ONE NIGHT IN FROGTOWN" A group of tadpoles are snuggled inside their eggs, ready for bed. But they're having trouble getting to sleep because a certain tadpole named Tad is playing his saxophone, and he keeps on playing, until his bubble goes pop! Suddenly free, he swims off to find the "Faraway Music" he has been hearing.Tad comes across three distinct groups of grownup frogs; the "Blues Frogs", the "Classical Frogs", and the "Rap Frogs". Tad is welcomed as he plays along with each on his saxophone, but he's rejected when he says he likes other kinds of music too. Tad cannot understand their prejudices against other kinds of music played by different color frogs.Heart-broken, Tad goes off in the rain and expresses his feelings of loneliness in a beautiful song called "Alone". The other frogs hear him and start to join in quietly, for they too know what it is like to feel alone. Tad hears them, and points out that they're playing together instead of apart. The frogs all realize they have more in common than they thought they did, and in a unifying moment they come together for the joyous finale number "Frogtown".
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